Yamaha YM 5104A - marimba
We offer six different rosewood marimbas, from the professional series YM 5104A To The YM 410. These instruments incorporate all the lessons we have learned from the greatest players in perfecting our YM6000 Concert Grand Marimba. Featuring the finest in traditional craftsmanship and the very latest in materials technology, all give you a rich, glowing tone and perfect intonation.
YM 5104A Special Order
Range: C-g4, 5 1/2 octaves
Bars: Honduran rosewood
Bar sizes: 72-38mm Wide, 24-20mm Thick
Pitch: A=442Hz (other pitches available by special order)
Resonators: Helmholz (C to F)
Round cornered rectangle (F#-A#)
Dimensions (WxD): 281x103cm
Wight: 99kg